Trouble adolescents at school


Nowadays we are facing a deep change in the adolescents specially between 12- 19 they try to look different to their pairs, they put make up in their faces, they wear strange clothes and all of them try to take place between their friends imposing their styles.
I think it is a problem because they adapt their style too to the clothes of their school and according to my outlook they do not look good, and I consider that maintain a discipline at school must be in the behavior and too in an acceptable appearance, because most of students use perforation and expansions in their bodies, and I think is not an ornament to use with the clothes of the school.

Concerning to the presentation made for Paula, M. Teresa and Marlene they talked about the common problems of the adolescents the causes, as contexts, family, affection or lack of this, and other factors that are very important in the life of an adolescent. For me the most important thing that an adolescent need is comprehension and limits too and try to balance this two factors because I live this period almost recently but now I fell that I am an adult because when you have a son or daughter things change and you naturally begin to think different don’t caring your age. Sometimes when your parents are extremely apprehensive you try to fight against them (as me) and the relationship is thick but when parents made a good balance between comprehension, limits, affection, permission the relationship is more open I know that is difficult but nothing is impossible.



Today Mr. Littman show us a flash where a man create in his desk a world

First he chooses a ball that represents a world then he creates the nature, animals, humans, buildings but when the buildings appears, appears the problems, violence, murders, pollution, and the typical problems that we are suffering nowadays, but it was a disposable world and the man throw it in a garbage can where there were others planets failed.

I think that if we could throw our world many years ago was be in a garbage can, because our quality of life related to health, peace, love, nature (global warming)and many values is depressing, and the only way or solution that I find is begin in our houses, teaching real values, teaching the importance to no waste water, food, electricity, teaching as much as we can to our children about the importance to live in a clean world, I think if we teach that we could harvest in the future.



“Bullying is the act of intentionally causing harm to others, through verbal harassment, physical assault, or other more subtle methods of coercion such as manipulation. Bullying can be defined in many different ways. Although the UK currently has no legal definition of bullying, some US states have laws against it. Bullying is usually done to coerce others by fear or threat.”

Taken from:

Bullying is popular outrage, this kind of behaviors are more common in school this topic was presented by Pedro, Fabian and Claudio, they talk about the meaning of this word and then they explained their causes and our labor as a parents and as a teachers.

People that suffer this kind of situations have a lot of bad consequences in the future, because they live with the grief in silence and isolation. So our labor as adults is crucial and we must pay attention to ours students or children.

This topic is an old one, but now with Internet, cell phones with camera, and other resources is more well-known and we can be more informed about what kinds of steps we must take.