Chilean education


It is a controversial topic, politics believed that their work is enough or in some ways an advance but meanwhile we, the students of this country are waiting for a change in our education, because we realized that many institutions make a profit with the education, with lack of quality and our education has many others mistakes that students and teachers can see in the reality.

First able to make a change we must change Ley orgánica constitucional de educación or LOCE but the new law must cover many points that LGE or Ley general de educación not cover we need a deep change but maybe LGE for the beginning is not bad I am a very optimistic person and I believed that now in the futures things will change and we as a teachers are responsible of those changes.



It was the last presentation and Fernanda, Rodrigo and Felipe show us the difference between Leadership and Management because are things very different but its goes together in a lesson plan, the teacher needs have this two characteristics at the moment to face a course. They made us participate distinguish between leadership or management here we can practice the definitions that the gave us at the beginning of the class. They made a very good work I enjoy their presentation.

Classroom management II


In this presentation Daniela and Evelyn talked about almost the same tips presented in the last classroom management presentation, the tips for improve ours lessons, our attitude, eyes contact, fluency.

They show us a very powerful power point with lots of colors, and very well organized, this presentation was a really micro lesson because they made us participate in the lesson.