Gender bias at school


“Gender bias is difficult to detect because it affects girls and boys in different ways. In school, it is the boys who may be expected to “act out” and rebel at school work, while the girls are expected to be docile, conforming and willing to work hard" (Sadker 1994)

Fernanda decided to talk about this interesting and different topic, we as a future teacher must try to cover all the different situations ( that I am sure this will be a great number) and try to face them and resolve it, one of them is change the vocabulary in our classroom creating a good atmosphere with inclusive and specific vocabulary like:

mankind; humanity, humankind, human civilization, man-made: synthetic, manufactured, artificial, imitation.
businessman: executive, wholesaler, business person. cameraman: camera operator, techniciancongressman: member of Congress, representative. craftsman: carpenter, artisan, skilled craftworkerlandlord: land owner, property manager.

Fernanda made a very good presentation with self-confidence and enough research of the topic with relevant and interesting information.

Drugs and alcohol


This is a very common issue that happens into the classrooms, many children are dependent of this kind of substances.
This topic was presented by Diego E. that show us a very shocking video about drugs specifically cocaine and how it works in your brain as well as Eduardo’s presentation was very clear and short with specific and relevant information.

What are the most common type of drugs being abused by students?

Marijuana (THC, Cannabis)
Phencyclidine (PCP, angel dust)
opiates (morphine, heroin, codeine)

Depression and Suicide

Depression is a disorder of the brain and body's ability to biologically create and balance a normal range of thoughts, emotions, & energy.

This topic was presented by Eduardo A.

he made a very good presentation and talk about all the important factors that we make to consider in our students because depression is an issue that nowadays are very common and if we do not pay attention this will be finish in a suicide (a terrible ending but unfortunately it happens)

Eduardo show us a video that yo can see on

Estatuto docente


Una tragedia pero que el transantiago!!

Mario Waissbluth, teacher from “Universidad de Chile” made a research about the quality of teachers and the educational system in Chile, and results were catastrophic, Waissbluth concluded that our educational system is something like a Greek tragedy and he made many examples with different people and evaluate their situation and this was an horrible evaluation as:

-People that obtained 500 points in PAA 15º years ago nowadays they don’t understand everything that they read.
- Teachers that come from doubtful university and nowadays are doing classes, and they don't want to be evaluated.
- Teachers’ assessment is doubtful, and many other horrible situations that must worried.

Teachers victims of bulling

Cuarenta casos de agresión a profesores en colegios particulares llegaron a la justicia en 200.

The numbers of aggressions are incredible, many experts affirm that violence is a phenomenon multidimensional, many teacher never had a preparation about the student atmosphere so they cannot face violence issues.

There are social factors too, according to a research 75% students are victims of mistreatment.

If we think there are many factor and all of us are responsible of the increase of violence and as a parents we must talk about this topics and educate our children because this issues are completely unacceptable.