Our presentation was about this topic:
The teacher is the most powerful person in the classroom and there are many ways for the teacher to use that power.
here there are some tips that can help us in the future
- First able the teacher must be a manager so he / she needs to be organized specially with contents and extra-material and must be secure because if learners feel safe, they will be more able to take part in the lesson
- The teacher must be a model and a guidance, a model because learners need to be shown new things and shown how to do new things and a guidance because learners need a helping hand to discover new things and to practice new skills.
- The teacher must be a friend and counselor, if we know more about children we can give them more tools or sometimes understanding maybe our student has a problem and we can represent a help for him, so we must show empathy with learners.
Learners need sources of extra information about what they are learning and the role of the teacher is must be an informant, too we must give a feedback because students need to know about their accuracy or about their mistakes.
Is fundamental that teacher knows the limits, mainly his/ her limits related to the contexts of the school and too according their own patience, because in some cases according my experience, with the time teachers tend to be more and more flexible and I think the quality of the contents that you are teaching lose the meaning. When you can’t control the behavior, and students don’t respect the teacher you can’t do many things and none lesson has sense.