It was the first microlesson of this year were Eduardo, Diego and Rodrigo explained interesting points about the things that we should do in a classroom as; the tone of voice, eyes contacts, movements, how is the best form to order our students in the room, etc. and a lot of things that we, as a teacher must do for create a comfortable environment where they feel safe and motivated.
I think motivation is an important point that we must consider at the moment to prepare a lesson because lots of thinks depend on that, sometimes we prepare an interesting lesson for us, but we must be emphatic and think too in the position of our students.
In this presentation I can realize about the difficulty to pass the barrier (teacher’s desk) It is difficult for me try to control my nerves at the moment to speak, especially with my classmates. I think if they aren’t enjoying my presentation or whatever… but at school I have a predisposition different because I can talk with more naturalness.
Returning to the presentation of my classmates I think they look very self-confidents with good material, appropriated vocabulary, clear and well organized.
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